This week I am writing about my counited exploration of AI generated art for a Digital Art grad program that I am looking to apply. This time I used a feature that takes sketches and a written prompt to create an image.
I took a photo of a concept image for my superhero Fireball 10 (shown below) and uploaded it to Night Cafe web site and prompt "superhero fire hair red costume fire blast" with a anima style setting.

The generated image that was returned captured the basic what I was asking but went in a total different direction than what I thought would be created.

This was nothing like what I thought would happen. It did not look complete or more like missed meshed body construction. It had nice color in the costume that resembled anima characters. On the other hand what was produced gave me a new idea in what if Fireball 10 had twins in the future. I was nor expecting this but was pushed in a new direction with a story that I may not have thought of if not for this image.
So in looking at this example, could artist get new inspiration from allowing AI to generation ideas from information giving a digital sketch that could be used for other purposes? With this experiment results I would have to say yes, maybe this type of work could change how we create new ideas.
I also used another AI creator function with similar words "Superhero Fireball 10 with fire halo and fire stream out of hands human torch fire hair fire eyelashes red eyes" and this image was created. Note that the hands are not correct.

I would say creators may be able to use this style of AI to help them see some of their ideas come to life and be able to use this insight to help drive them toward better images.